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from enum import Enum
from typing import List
import alive_progress
from hanabi import database
from hanabi import logger
from hanabi import hanab_game
from import compress
class InfeasibilityType(Enum):
Pace = 0 # idx denotes index of last card drawn before being forced to reduce pace, value denotes how bad pace is
DoubleBottom2With5s = 1 # same, special case for 2p
TripleBottom1With5s = 2 # same, special case for 2p
MultiSuitBdr = 3
PaceAfterSqueeze = 4
HandSize = 10 # idx denotes index of last card drawn before being forced to discard a crit
HandSizeDirect = 11
HandSizeWithSqueeze = 12
HandSizeWithBdr = 13
HandSizeWithBdrSqueeze = 14
# further reasons, currently not scanned for
BottomTopDeck = 20
DoubleBottomTopDeck = 30
CritAtBottom = 40
class InfeasibilityReason:
def __init__(self, infeasibility_type: InfeasibilityType, value=None):
self.type = infeasibility_type
self.value = value
def __repr__(self):
return "{} ({})".format(self.type, self.value)
match self.type:
case InfeasibilityType.Pace:
return "Out of Pace after drawing card {}".format(self.value)
case InfeasibilityType.HandSize:
return "Out of hand size after drawing card {}".format(self.value)
case InfeasibilityType.CritAtBottom:
return "Critical non-5 at bottom"
def analyze(instance: hanab_game.HanabiInstance, only_find_first=False) -> List[InfeasibilityReason]:
Checks instance for the following (easy) certificates for unfeasibility
- There is a critical non-5 at the bottom
- We necessarily run out of pace when playing this deck:
At some point, among all drawn cards, there are too few playable ones so that the next discard
reduces pace to a negative amount
- We run out of hand size when playing this deck:
At some point, there are too many critical cards (that also could not have been played) for the players
to hold collectively
:param instance: Instance to be analyzed
:param only_find_first: If true, we immediately return when finding the first infeasibility reason and don't
check for further ones. Might be slightly faster on some instances, especially dark ones.
:return: List with all reasons found. Empty if none is found.
In particular, if return value is not the empty list, the analyzed instance is unfeasible
reasons = []
# check for critical non-fives at bottom of the deck
bottom_card = instance.deck[-1]
if bottom_card.rank != 5 and bottom_card.suitIndex in instance.dark_suits:
instance.deck_size - 1
if only_find_first:
return reasons
# we will sweep through the deck and pretend that
# - we keep all non-trash cards in our hands
# - we instantly play all playable cards as soon as we have them
# - we recurse on this instant-play
# For example, we assume that once we draw r2, we check if we can play r2.
# If yes, then we also check if we drew r3 earlier and so on.
# If not, then we keep r2 in our hands
# In total, this is equivalent to assuming that we have infinitely many clues
# and infinite storage space in our hands (which is of course not true),
# but even in this setting, some games are infeasible due to pace issues
# that we can detect
# A small refinement is to pretend that we only have infinite storage for non-crit cards,
# for crit-cards, the usual hand card limit applies.
# This allows us to detect some seeds where there are simply too many unplayable cards to hold at some point
# that also can't be discarded
stacks = [0] * instance.num_suits
# we will ensure that stored_crits is a subset of stored_cards
stored_cards = set()
stored_crits = set()
pace_found = False
hand_size_found = False
squeeze = False
considered_bdr = False
artificial_crits = set()
# Investigate BDRs. This catches special cases of Pace losses in 2p, as well as mark some cards critical because
# their second copies cannot be used.
filtered_deck = [card for card in instance.deck if card.rank != 5]
if instance.num_players == 2:
if filtered_deck[-1] == filtered_deck[-2] and filtered_deck[-1].rank == 2:
reasons.append(InfeasibilityReason(InfeasibilityType.Pace, filtered_deck[-2].deck_index - 1))
if only_find_first:
return reasons
reasons.append(InfeasibilityReason(InfeasibilityType.DoubleBottom2With5s, filtered_deck[-2].deck_index - 1))
pace_found = True
if filtered_deck[-1] == filtered_deck[-2] and filtered_deck[-2] == filtered_deck[-3] and filtered_deck[-3].rank == 1:
reasons.append(InfeasibilityReason(InfeasibilityType.Pace, filtered_deck[-3].deck_index - 1))
if only_find_first:
return reasons
reasons.append(InfeasibilityReason(InfeasibilityType.DoubleBottom2With5s, filtered_deck[-2].deck_index - 1))
pace_found = True
# In 2-player, the second-last card cannot be played if it is a 2
if filtered_deck[-2].rank == 2:
# In 2-player, in case there is double bottom 3 of the same suit, the card immediately before cannot be played:
# After playing that one and drawing the first 3, exactly 3,4,5 of the bottom suit have to be played
if filtered_deck[-1] == filtered_deck[-2] and filtered_deck[-2].rank == 3:
# Last card in the deck can never be played
for (i, card) in enumerate(instance.deck):
if card.rank == stacks[card.suitIndex] + 1:
# card is playable
stacks[card.suitIndex] += 1
# check for further playables that we stored
for check_rank in range(card.rank + 1, 6):
check_card = hanab_game.DeckCard(card.suitIndex, check_rank)
if check_card in stored_cards:
stacks[card.suitIndex] += 1
if check_card in stored_crits:
elif card.rank <= stacks[card.suitIndex]:
pass # card is trash
elif card.rank > stacks[card.suitIndex] + 1:
# need to store card
if card in stored_cards or card.rank == 5:
elif card in artificial_crits:
considered_bdr = True
# logger.verbose("draw pile: {}\nstacks: {}\nstored: {}\nstored crits: {}".format(instance.deck[i+1:], stacks, stored_cards, stored_crits))
hand_size_left_for_crits = instance.num_players * instance.hand_size - len(stored_crits) - 1
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# In case we can only keep the critical cards exactly, get rid of all others
if hand_size_left_for_crits == 0:
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stored_cards = stored_crits
squeeze = True
# Use a bool flag to only mark this reason once
if hand_size_left_for_crits < 0 and not hand_size_found:
if only_find_first:
return reasons
hand_size_found = True
# More detailed analysis of loss, categorization only
if squeeze:
if considered_bdr:
reasons.append(InfeasibilityReason(InfeasibilityType.HandSizeWithBdrSqueeze, i))
reasons.append(InfeasibilityReason(InfeasibilityType.HandSizeWithSqueeze, i))
if considered_bdr:
reasons.append(InfeasibilityReason(InfeasibilityType.HandSizeWithBdr, i))
reasons.append(InfeasibilityReason(InfeasibilityType.HandSizeDirect, i))
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# the last - 1 is there because we have to discard 'next', causing a further draw
max_remaining_plays = (instance.deck_size - i - 1) + instance.num_players - 1
needed_plays = instance.max_score - sum(stacks)
cur_pace = max_remaining_plays - needed_plays
if cur_pace < 0 and not pace_found and not hand_size_found:
if only_find_first:
return reasons
# We checked single-suit pace losses beforehand (which can only occur in 2p)
if squeeze:
reasons.append(InfeasibilityReason(InfeasibilityType.PaceAfterSqueeze, i))
pace_found = True
# check that we correctly walked through the deck
assert (len(stored_cards) == 0)
assert (len(stored_crits) == 0)
assert (sum(stacks) == instance.max_score)
return reasons
def run_on_database(variant_id):
"SELECT seed, num_players, deck FROM seeds WHERE variant_id = (%s) ORDER BY (num_players, seed)",
res = database.cur.fetchall()
logger.verbose("Checking {} seeds of variant {} for infeasibility".format(len(res), variant_id))
with alive_progress.alive_bar(total=len(res), title='Check for infeasibility reasons in var {}'.format(variant_id)) as bar:
for (seed, num_players, deck_str) in res:
deck = compress.decompress_deck(deck_str)
reasons = analyze(hanab_game.HanabiInstance(deck, num_players))
for reason in reasons:
"INSERT INTO score_upper_bounds (seed, score_upper_bound, reason) "
"VALUES (%s,%s,%s) "
"ON CONFLICT (seed, reason) DO UPDATE "
"SET score_upper_bound = EXCLUDED.score_upper_bound",
(seed, reason.score_upper_bound, reason.type.value)
"UPDATE seeds SET feasible = (%s) WHERE seed = (%s)",
(False, seed)