#include #include #include "myassert.h" #include "game_state.h" /** * Compiling with -DINTEGRITY_CHECK_ON will enable exhaustive integrity check while backtracking. * These significantly slow down performance, so they are deactivated by default. */ #ifdef INTEGRITY_CHECK_ON #define CHECK_DRAW_PILE_INTEGRITY check_draw_pile_integrity() #else #define CHECK_DRAW_PILE_INTEGRITY #endif namespace Hanabi { template std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, const Stacks & stacks) { for (size_t i = 0; i < stacks.size(); i++) { os << suit_initials[i] << starting_card_rank - stacks[i]; if (i < stacks.size() - 1) { os << ", "; } } return os; } template void CardArray::fill(T val) { for (size_t suit = 0; suit < num_suits; suit++) { for (rank_t rank = 0; rank < starting_card_rank; rank++) { _array[suit][rank] = val; } } } template CardArray::CardArray(T default_val) { fill(default_val); } template const T & CardArray::operator[](const Card & card) const { return _array[card.suit][card.rank]; } template T & CardArray::operator[](const Card & card) { return _array[card.suit][card.rank]; } template HanabiState::BacktrackAction::BacktrackAction( Hanabi::ActionType action_type , Hanabi::Card discarded_or_played , Hanabi::hand_index_t index , bool was_on_8_clues , bool strike ): action_type(action_type), discarded(discarded_or_played), index(index), was_on_8_clues(was_on_8_clues), strike( strike) { } template HanabiState::HanabiState(const std::vector & deck, uint8_t score_goal, clue_t num_clues_gained_on_discard_or_stack_finished): _clues_gained_on_discard_or_stack_finished(num_clues_gained_on_discard_or_stack_finished) , _score_goal(score_goal), _turn(0), _num_clues(max_num_clues), _num_strikes(0), _weighted_draw_pile_size(deck.size()), _stacks(), _hands(), _draw_pile() , _endgame_turns_left(no_endgame), _pace(deck.size() - score_goal - num_players * (hand_size - 1)), _score(0) , _actions_log(), _relative_representation(), _position_tablebase() , _enumerated_states(0) { std::fill(_stacks.begin(), _stacks.end(), starting_card_rank); for (const Card & card: deck) { _draw_pile.push_back({card, 1}); } for (player_t player = 0; player < num_players; player++) { for (std::uint8_t index = 0; index < hand_size; index++) { draw(index); } incr_turn(); } ASSERT(_turn == 0); // Prepare card counting CardArray card_multiplicities (0); for (auto const hand: _hands) { for (Card const card: hand) { _num_copies_left[card] += 1; } } for (CardMultiplicity const card_mult : _draw_pile) { _num_copies_left[card_mult.card] += card_mult.multiplicity; } } template void HanabiState::give_clue() { ASSERT(_num_clues >= clue_t(1)); --_num_clues; _actions_log.emplace(ActionType::clue, Cards::unknown, 0); incr_turn(); } template void HanabiState::incr_turn() { _turn = (_turn + 1) % num_players; if (_endgame_turns_left != no_endgame) { _endgame_turns_left--; } } template void HanabiState::decr_turn() { _turn = (_turn + num_players - 1) % num_players; if (_endgame_turns_left != no_endgame) { _endgame_turns_left++; } } template void HanabiState::check_draw_pile_integrity() const { if (not _relative_representation.initialized) { return; } if (_draw_pile.size() >= 2) { auto copy = _draw_pile; copy.sort([](CardMultiplicity const & card1, CardMultiplicity const & card2) { return card1.card.rank < card2.card.rank or (card1.card.rank == card2.card.rank and card1.card.suit < card2.card.suit); }); auto before = copy.begin(); for (auto it = std::next(copy.begin()); it != copy.end(); ++it) { ASSERT(before->card != it->card); ++before; } } } template bool HanabiState::is_playable(const Hanabi::Card & card) const { return card.rank == _stacks[card.suit] - 1; } template bool HanabiState::is_critical(Card const & card) const { return _num_copies_left[card] == 1; } template std::uint64_t HanabiState::enumerated_states() const { return _enumerated_states; } template bool HanabiState::is_trash(const Hanabi::Card & card) const { return card.rank >= _stacks[card.suit]; } template void HanabiState::play(Hanabi::hand_index_t index) { play_and_potentially_update(index); } template unsigned long HanabiState::play_and_potentially_update(hand_index_t index, bool cycle) { CHECK_DRAW_PILE_INTEGRITY; ASSERT(index < _hands[_turn].size()); const Card played_card = _hands[_turn][index]; bool const strike = !is_playable(played_card); _actions_log.emplace(ActionType::play, played_card, index, _num_clues == 8, strike); if (!strike) { --_stacks[played_card.suit]; _score++; if (played_card.rank == 0 and _num_clues < max_num_clues) { // update clues if we played the last played_card of a stack _num_clues += _clues_gained_on_discard_or_stack_finished; } } else { _num_strikes++; assert(_num_strikes <= max_num_strikes); _num_copies_left[played_card]--; } const unsigned long multiplicity = draw(index, cycle, !strike); incr_turn(); CHECK_DRAW_PILE_INTEGRITY; return multiplicity; } template void HanabiState::discard(hand_index_t index) { discard_and_potentially_update(index); } template unsigned long HanabiState::discard_and_potentially_update(hand_index_t index, bool cycle) { CHECK_DRAW_PILE_INTEGRITY; ASSERT(index < _hands[_turn].size()); ASSERT(_num_clues != max_num_clues); const Card discarded_card = _hands[_turn][index]; _num_clues += _clues_gained_on_discard_or_stack_finished; _pace--; _num_copies_left[discarded_card]--; unsigned long multiplicity = draw(index, cycle, false); _actions_log.emplace(ActionType::discard, discarded_card, index); incr_turn(); CHECK_DRAW_PILE_INTEGRITY; return multiplicity; } template std::uint8_t HanabiState::find_card_in_hand( const Hanabi::Card & card ) const { auto it = std::find_if(_hands[_turn].begin(), _hands[_turn].end(), [&card, this](Card const & card_in_hand) { return card_in_hand == card or (is_trash(card) and is_trash(card_in_hand)); }); if (it != _hands[_turn].end()) { return std::distance(_hands[_turn].begin(), it); } return -1; } template void HanabiState::print(std::ostream & os) const { os << "Stacks: " << _stacks << " (score " << +_score << ")"; os << ", clues: " << +_num_clues << ", strikes: " << +_num_strikes << ", turn: " << +_turn; if (_endgame_turns_left != no_endgame) { os << ", " << +_endgame_turns_left << " turns left"; } os << std::endl; os << "Draw pile: "; unsigned num_trash = 0; for (const auto & [card, mul]: _draw_pile) { if (is_trash(card)) { num_trash += mul; continue; } os << card; if (mul > 1) { os << " (" << +mul << ")"; } os << ", "; } if (num_trash > 0) { os << Cards::trash << " (" << num_trash << ") "; } os << "[size " << +_weighted_draw_pile_size << "]" << std::endl; os << "Hands: "; for (const auto & hand: _hands) { os << "["; for (hand_index_t index = 0; index < hand.size(); index++) { if (is_trash(hand[index])) { os << "kt"; } else { os << hand[index]; } if (is_critical(hand[index])) { os << "!"; } if (index < hand.size() - 1) { os << " "; } } os << "] "; } } template unsigned HanabiState::draw(uint8_t index, bool cycle, bool played) { ASSERT(index < _hands[_turn].size()); // update card position of the card we are about to discard if (_relative_representation.initialized) { const Card discarded = _hands[_turn][index]; if (!discarded.initial_trash) { if (discarded.in_starting_hand) { ASSERT(_relative_representation.card_positions_hands[discarded.local_index] == RelativeRepresentationData::hand); if (played) { _relative_representation.card_positions_hands[discarded.local_index] = RelativeRepresentationData::played; } else { _relative_representation.card_positions_hands[discarded.local_index] = RelativeRepresentationData::discarded; } } else { auto replaced_card_it = std::find( _relative_representation.card_positions_draw[discarded.local_index].begin(), _relative_representation.card_positions_draw[discarded.local_index].end(), _turn ); ASSERT(replaced_card_it != _relative_representation.card_positions_draw[discarded.local_index].end()); if (played) { *replaced_card_it = RelativeRepresentationData::play_stack; } else { *replaced_card_it = RelativeRepresentationData::discard_pile; } std::sort( _relative_representation.card_positions_draw[discarded.local_index].begin(), _relative_representation.card_positions_draw[discarded.local_index].end() ); } } } // draw a new card if the draw pile is not empty if (!_draw_pile.empty()) { --_weighted_draw_pile_size; const CardMultiplicity draw = _draw_pile.front(); _draw_pile.pop_front(); ASSERT(draw.multiplicity > 0); if (draw.multiplicity > 1) { if (cycle) { _draw_pile.push_back(draw); _draw_pile.back().multiplicity--; } else { _draw_pile.push_front(draw); _draw_pile.front().multiplicity--; } } if (_relative_representation.initialized) { // update card position of the drawn card if (!draw.card.initial_trash) { ASSERT(draw.card.in_starting_hand == false); auto new_card_it = std::find( _relative_representation.card_positions_draw[draw.card.local_index].begin(), _relative_representation.card_positions_draw[draw.card.local_index].end(), RelativeRepresentationData::draw_pile ); ASSERT(new_card_it != _relative_representation.card_positions_draw[draw.card.local_index].end()); *new_card_it = _turn; std::sort( _relative_representation.card_positions_draw[draw.card.local_index].begin(), _relative_representation.card_positions_draw[draw.card.local_index].end() ); } } _hands[_turn][index] = draw.card; if (_draw_pile.empty()) { // Note the +1, since we will immediately decrement this when moving to the next player _endgame_turns_left = num_players + 1; } return draw.multiplicity; } return 1; } template void HanabiState::revert_draw( std::uint8_t index , Card discarded_card , bool cycle , bool played ) { // Put the card that is currently in hand back into the draw pile (this does not happen in the last round!) if (_endgame_turns_left == num_players + 1 || _endgame_turns_left == no_endgame) { ASSERT(index < _hands[_turn].size()); const Card & drawn = _hands[_turn][index]; if (cycle) { // put discarded_card back into draw pile (at the back) if (!_draw_pile.empty() and _draw_pile.back().card.suit == drawn.suit and _draw_pile.back().card.rank == drawn.rank) { _draw_pile.back().multiplicity++; } else { _draw_pile.push_back({drawn, 1}); } } else { // We don't know where the card came from (between the card having been removed from the draw pile // and re-adding it now, the user may have arbitrarily permuted the draw pile implicitly) // so we have to check if it is already contained in the draw pile somewhere auto it = std::find_if(_draw_pile.begin(), _draw_pile.end(), [&drawn](CardMultiplicity const & mult) { return mult.card == drawn; }); if (it != _draw_pile.end()) { it->multiplicity++; } else { _draw_pile.push_front({drawn, 1}); } } if (_relative_representation.initialized && !drawn.initial_trash) { ASSERT(drawn.in_starting_hand == false); auto drawn_card_it = std::find( _relative_representation.card_positions_draw[drawn.local_index].begin(), _relative_representation.card_positions_draw[drawn.local_index].end(), _turn ); ASSERT(drawn_card_it != _relative_representation.card_positions_draw[drawn.local_index].end()); *drawn_card_it = RelativeRepresentationData::draw_pile; std::sort( _relative_representation.card_positions_draw[drawn.local_index].begin(), _relative_representation.card_positions_draw[drawn.local_index].end() ); } _weighted_draw_pile_size++; _endgame_turns_left = no_endgame; } else { ASSERT(_hands[_turn][index] == discarded_card); } if (_relative_representation.initialized && !discarded_card.initial_trash) { if (discarded_card.in_starting_hand) { ASSERT(_relative_representation.card_positions_hands[discarded_card.local_index] != RelativeRepresentationData::hand); _relative_representation.card_positions_hands[discarded_card.local_index] = RelativeRepresentationData::hand; } else { player_t const old_position = [&played] { if (played) { return RelativeRepresentationData::play_stack; } else { return RelativeRepresentationData::discard_pile; } }(); auto hand_card_it = std::find( _relative_representation.card_positions_draw[discarded_card.local_index].begin(), _relative_representation.card_positions_draw[discarded_card.local_index].end(), old_position ); ASSERT(hand_card_it != _relative_representation.card_positions_draw[discarded_card.local_index].end()); *hand_card_it = _turn; std::sort( _relative_representation.card_positions_draw[discarded_card.local_index].begin(), _relative_representation.card_positions_draw[discarded_card.local_index].end() ); } } _hands[_turn][index] = discarded_card; } template void HanabiState::init_backtracking_information() { ASSERT(not _relative_representation.initialized); // Note that this function does not have to be particularly performant, we only call it once to initialize. const Card trash = [this]() -> Card { for (suit_t suit = 0; suit < num_suits; suit++) { if (_stacks[suit] < starting_card_rank) { return {suit, starting_card_rank - 1, 0, false, true}; } } return {0, 0}; }(); CardArray nums_in_draw_pile; for (const auto [card, multiplicity]: _draw_pile) { if (_stacks[card.suit] > card.rank) { nums_in_draw_pile[card] += multiplicity; } else { nums_in_draw_pile[trash] += multiplicity; } } // Prepare draw pile _draw_pile.clear(); for (suit_t suit = 0; suit < num_suits; suit++) { for (rank_t rank = 0; rank < starting_card_rank; rank++) { Card card{suit, rank, static_cast(_relative_representation.card_positions_draw.size()), false , is_trash(card) }; if (nums_in_draw_pile[card] > 0) { _draw_pile.push_back({card, nums_in_draw_pile[card]}); if (!is_trash(card)) { _relative_representation.card_positions_draw.push_back({}); _relative_representation.card_positions_draw .back() .resize(nums_in_draw_pile[card], RelativeRepresentationData::draw_pile); _relative_representation.good_cards_draw.push_back(card); } } } } _relative_representation.initial_draw_pile_size = _weighted_draw_pile_size; size_t num_useful_cards_in_starting_hands = 0; // Prepare cards in hands for (player_t player = 0; player < num_players; player++) { for (Card & card: _hands[player]) { card.initial_trash = is_trash(card); card.in_starting_hand = true; // Needed to check for dupes in same hand boost::container::static_vector good_cards_in_hand; if (!is_trash(card)) { if (std::count(good_cards_in_hand.begin(), good_cards_in_hand.end(), card) > 0) { // This card is already in hand, so just replace the second copy by some trash card = trash; } else { card.local_index = num_useful_cards_in_starting_hands; num_useful_cards_in_starting_hands++; good_cards_in_hand.push_back(card); _relative_representation.good_cards_hands.push_back(card); } } } } _relative_representation.card_positions_hands.clear(); _relative_representation.card_positions_hands .resize(num_useful_cards_in_starting_hands, RelativeRepresentationData::hand); _relative_representation.initialized = true; } template void HanabiState::revert_play(bool cycle) { CHECK_DRAW_PILE_INTEGRITY; const BacktrackAction last_action = _actions_log.top(); _actions_log.pop(); ASSERT(last_action.action_type == ActionType::play); ASSERT(!last_action.was_on_8_clues or _num_clues == 8); decr_turn(); if (last_action.discarded.rank == 0 and not last_action.was_on_8_clues and not last_action.strike) { _num_clues -= _clues_gained_on_discard_or_stack_finished; } revert_draw(last_action.index, last_action.discarded, cycle, !last_action.strike); if (not last_action.strike) { _stacks[last_action.discarded.suit]++; _score--; } else { // If we misplayed, then we lost the card and have to regain it now _num_copies_left[last_action.discarded]++; _num_strikes--; assert(_num_strikes >= 0); } CHECK_DRAW_PILE_INTEGRITY; } template void HanabiState::revert_discard(bool cycle) { CHECK_DRAW_PILE_INTEGRITY; const BacktrackAction last_action = _actions_log.top(); _actions_log.pop(); ASSERT(last_action.action_type == ActionType::discard); decr_turn(); _num_clues -= _clues_gained_on_discard_or_stack_finished; ASSERT(_num_clues >= clue_t(0)); _pace++; _num_copies_left[last_action.discarded]++; revert_draw(last_action.index, last_action.discarded, cycle, false); CHECK_DRAW_PILE_INTEGRITY; } template void HanabiState::revert_clue() { const BacktrackAction last_action = _actions_log.top(); _actions_log.pop(); ASSERT(last_action.action_type == ActionType::clue); decr_turn(); ASSERT(_num_clues < max_num_clues); _num_clues++; } template void HanabiState::revert() { switch (_actions_log.top().action_type) { case ActionType::clue: revert_clue(); break; case ActionType::discard: revert_discard(); break; case ActionType::play: revert_play(); break; default: return; } } template void HanabiState::modify_clues(Hanabi::clue_t change) { _num_clues += change; if (_num_clues > 8) { _num_clues = 8; } if (_num_clues < 0) { _num_clues = 0; } } template void HanabiState::set_clues(Hanabi::clue_t clues) { ASSERT(clue_t(0) <= clues); ASSERT(clues <= clue_t(8)); _num_clues = clues; } template player_t HanabiState::turn() const { return _turn; } template clue_t HanabiState::num_clues() const { return _num_clues; } template unsigned HanabiState::num_strikes() const { return _num_strikes; } template unsigned HanabiState::score() const { return _score; } template std::vector> HanabiState::hands() const { std::vector> hands; for (player_t player = 0; player < num_players; player++) { hands.push_back({}); for (const Card & card: _hands[player]) { hands.back().push_back(card); } } return hands; } template std::vector HanabiState::cur_hand() const { std::vector hand; for (const Card & card: _hands[_turn]) { hand.push_back(card); } return hand; } template std::vector>> HanabiState::possible_next_states(hand_index_t index, bool play) { std::vector>> next_states; do_for_each_potential_draw(index, play, [this, &next_states, &index](unsigned multiplicity) { auto prob = lookup(); // bit hacky to get drawn card here decr_turn(); const CardMultiplicity drawn_card = {_hands[_turn][index], multiplicity}; incr_turn(); next_states.emplace_back(drawn_card, prob); }); return next_states; } template std::vector>> HanabiState::get_reasonable_actions(bool evaluate_all, bool reasonable) { std::vector>> actions{}; if (_score == _score_goal or _pace < 0 or _endgame_turns_left == 0) { return actions; } const std::array & hand = _hands[_turn]; // First, check for playable cards bool played_trash = false; for (std::uint8_t index = 0; index < hand_size; index++) { Card card = hand[index]; bool const consider_playing = is_playable(card) or (_num_strikes < max_num_strikes and not is_critical(card) and (not reasonable or _num_clues == max_num_clues) and (not is_trash(card) or not played_trash)); if (consider_playing) { if (is_trash(card)) { card = Cards::trash; played_trash = true; } const Action action = {ActionType::play, card}; bool known = true; probability_t sum_of_probabilities = 0; do_for_each_potential_draw(index, true, [this, &sum_of_probabilities, &evaluate_all , &known](const unsigned long multiplicity) { std::optional prob; if (evaluate_all) { prob = evaluate_state(); } else { prob = lookup(); } if (prob.has_value()) { sum_of_probabilities += prob.value() * multiplicity; } else { known = false; } }); if (known) { const unsigned long total_weight = std::max(static_cast(_weighted_draw_pile_size), 1ul); const probability_t probability_play = sum_of_probabilities / total_weight; actions.emplace_back(action, probability_play); } else { actions.emplace_back(action, std::nullopt); } } } // Check for discards if (_pace > 0 and _num_clues < max_num_clues) { auto trash_it = std::find_if(hand.begin(), hand.end(),[this](Card const & card){return is_trash(card);}); bool const trash_in_hand = trash_it != hand.end(); bool discarded_trash = false; std::vector discarded; for (std::uint8_t index = 0; index < hand_size; index++) { Card card = hand[index]; // We only consider discarding if // - the card is trash, and we have not listed a trash discard yet // - the card is not critical, and we have not listed the same card yet bool const consider_discarding = (is_trash(card) and not discarded_trash) or ((not trash_in_hand or not reasonable) and (not is_trash(card) and not is_critical(card) and std::find(discarded.begin(), discarded.end(), card) == discarded.end())); if (consider_discarding) { if (is_trash(card)) { // This is useful for normalizing what we discard and therefore also for later printing routines. // Also note that this card is automatically identified as trash by the is_trash() method, // so properly handled by other parts of the program if input again. card = Cards::trash; discarded_trash = true; } else { discarded.push_back(card); } const Action action = {ActionType::discard, card}; bool known = true; probability_t sum_of_probabilities = 0; do_for_each_potential_draw(index, false, [this, &sum_of_probabilities, &evaluate_all , &known](const unsigned long multiplicity) { std::optional prob; if (evaluate_all) { prob = evaluate_state(); } else { prob = lookup(); } if (prob.has_value()) { sum_of_probabilities += prob.value() * multiplicity; } else { known = false; } }); if (known) { const unsigned long total_weight = std::max(static_cast(_weighted_draw_pile_size), 1ul); const probability_t probability_discard = sum_of_probabilities / total_weight; actions.emplace_back(action, probability_discard); } else { actions.emplace_back(action, std::nullopt); } } } } if (_num_clues >= clue_t(1)) { give_clue(); std::optional prob; if (evaluate_all) { prob = evaluate_state(); } else { prob = lookup(); } const Action action = {ActionType::clue, Cards::unknown}; actions.emplace_back(action, prob); revert_clue(); } return actions; } template std::optional HanabiState::lookup() const { if (_score == 5 * num_suits) { return 1; } if (_pace < 0 or _endgame_turns_left == 0) { return 0; } const auto id = unique_id(); if (_position_tablebase.count(id) == 1) { return _position_tablebase.at(id); } else { return std::nullopt; } } template void HanabiState::rotate_next_draw(const Card & card) { auto card_it = std::find_if(_draw_pile.begin() , _draw_pile.end() , [&card, this](const CardMultiplicity & card_multiplicity) { return (is_trash(card) and is_trash(card_multiplicity.card)) or (card_multiplicity.card.rank == card.rank and card_multiplicity.card.suit == card.suit); }); ASSERT(card_it != _draw_pile.end()); std::swap(*card_it, _draw_pile.front()); } template ActionType HanabiState::last_action_type() const { ASSERT(not _actions_log.empty()); return _actions_log.top().action_type; } template probability_t HanabiState::evaluate_state() { ASSERT(_relative_representation.initialized); _enumerated_states++; const unsigned long id_of_state = unique_id(); const unsigned id = 55032; if (id_of_state == id) { std::cout << "Found state with id of " << id << "\n" << *this << std::endl; } if (_score == _score_goal) { return 1; } if (_pace < 0 || _endgame_turns_left == 0) { return 0; } #ifndef GAME_STATE_NO_TABLEBASE_LOOKUP if (_position_tablebase.count(id_of_state) == 1) { return _position_tablebase[id_of_state]; } #endif // TODO: Have some endgame analysis here? probability_t best_probability = 0; const std::array & hand = _hands[_turn]; // First, check for playables bool played_trash = false; for (std::uint8_t index = 0; index < hand_size; index++) { if (is_playable(hand[index]) or (_num_clues == max_num_clues and _num_strikes < max_num_strikes and not is_critical(hand[index]) and (not is_trash(hand[index]) or not played_trash))) { if (is_trash(hand[index])) { played_trash = true; } probability_t const probability_play = check_play_or_discard(index, true); best_probability = std::max(best_probability, probability_play); if (best_probability == 1) { update_tablebase(id_of_state, best_probability); return best_probability; }; } } // Check for discards now if (_pace > 0 and (_num_clues < max_num_clues or _num_strikes < max_num_strikes)) { bool const play_card_instead_of_discarding = _num_clues == max_num_clues; // This will hold the index of trash to discard std::uint8_t const invalid_index = std::numeric_limits::max(); std::uint8_t discard_index = invalid_index; for (hand_index_t index = 0; index < hand_size; index++) { if (is_trash(hand[index])) { discard_index = index; // All discards are equivalent, do not continue searching for different trash break; } } // If no trivial trash found, check for duplicates next if (discard_index == invalid_index) { for (std::uint8_t index = 0; index < hand_size; index++) { Card const card = _hands[_turn][index]; auto it = std::find_if(_hands[_turn].begin() + index + 1, _hands[_turn].end(), [&card, this](Card const & card_in_hand) { return card_in_hand == card; }); if (it != _hands[_turn].end()) { // found a duplicate to discard discard_index = index; // Since we are discarding essentially trash, we do not have to consider further actions break; } } } // Discard if we found trash now if (discard_index != invalid_index) { probability_t const probability_discard = check_play_or_discard(discard_index, play_card_instead_of_discarding); best_probability = std::max(best_probability, probability_discard); if (best_probability == 1) { update_tablebase(id_of_state, best_probability); return best_probability; }; } else { // If we reach this state, then there are no dupes in hand, so we need to check if we want to // sacrifice cards in hand for(hand_index_t index = 0; index < hand_size; ++index) { if(!is_critical(hand[index])) { probability_t const probability_sacrifice = check_play_or_discard(index, play_card_instead_of_discarding); best_probability = std::max(best_probability, probability_sacrifice); if (best_probability == 1) { update_tablebase(id_of_state, best_probability); return best_probability; }; } } } } // Last option is to stall if (_num_clues >= clue_t(1)) { give_clue(); const probability_t probability_stall = evaluate_state(); revert_clue(); best_probability = std::max(best_probability, probability_stall); if (best_probability == 1) { update_tablebase(id_of_state, best_probability); return best_probability; }; } update_tablebase(id_of_state, best_probability); return best_probability; } template probability_t HanabiState::check_play_or_discard(hand_index_t index, bool play) { probability_t sum_of_probabilities = 0; do_for_each_potential_draw(index, play, [this, &sum_of_probabilities](const unsigned long multiplicity) { sum_of_probabilities += evaluate_state() * multiplicity; }); const unsigned long total_weight = std::max(static_cast(_weighted_draw_pile_size), 1ul); return sum_of_probabilities / total_weight; } template template void HanabiState::do_for_each_potential_draw(hand_index_t index, bool play, Function f) { auto copy = _draw_pile; auto do_action = [this, index, play]() { if (play) { return play_and_potentially_update(index, true); } else { return discard_and_potentially_update(index, true); } }; auto revert_action = [this, play]() { if (play) { revert_play(true); } else { revert_discard(true); } }; if (_draw_pile.empty()) { do_action(); f(1); revert_action(); } else { unsigned sum_of_multiplicities = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < _draw_pile.size(); i++) { const unsigned long multiplicity = do_action(); sum_of_multiplicities += multiplicity; f(multiplicity); revert_action(); } ASSERT(sum_of_multiplicities == _weighted_draw_pile_size); } ASSERT(_draw_pile == copy); } template std::uint64_t HanabiState::unique_id() const { // Encode strikes first, since they will often be zero. unsigned long id = _num_strikes; // encode all positions of cards that started in draw pile ASSERT(_relative_representation.card_positions_draw.size() == _relative_representation.good_cards_draw.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < _relative_representation.card_positions_draw.size(); i++) { for (player_t player: _relative_representation.card_positions_draw[i]) { id *= num_players + 3; // We normalize here: If a card is already played, then the positions of its other copies // do not matter, so we can just pretend that they are all in the trash already. // The resulting states will be equivalent. if (!is_trash(_relative_representation.good_cards_draw[i])) { id += player; } else { id += RelativeRepresentationData::discard_pile; } } } // encode positions of cards that started in hands ASSERT(_relative_representation.card_positions_hands.size() == _relative_representation.good_cards_hands.size()); for(size_t i = 0; i < _relative_representation.card_positions_hands.size(); i++) { id *= 3; // we have to normalize here again and pretend that cards already played are all discarded. // Note that implicitly, this means that when we lose the last copy of a good card, this encoding pretends that // the card has been played already. // However, since we only ever consider actions that do not lose the last copy of a card, this is not a problem // (unless our base state was already lacking cards, in which case the card is never considered played in any state) if(is_trash(_relative_representation.good_cards_hands[i])) { id += static_cast>(RelativeRepresentationData::CardPosition::discarded); } else { id += static_cast>(_relative_representation.card_positions_hands[i]); } } // encode number of clues clue_t const scaled_clues = clue_t(2) * _num_clues; assert(scaled_clues.denominator() == 1); id *= (max_num_clues * clue_t(2)).numerator() + 1; id += scaled_clues.numerator(); // we can encode draw pile size and extra turn in one metric, since we only have extra turns if draw pile is empty const std::uint8_t draw_pile_size_and_extra_turns = [this]() -> uint8_t { if (_endgame_turns_left == no_endgame) { return _weighted_draw_pile_size + num_players; } else { return _endgame_turns_left; } }(); id *= _relative_representation.initial_draw_pile_size + num_players; id += draw_pile_size_and_extra_turns; id *= num_players; id += _turn; // The id is unique now, since for all relevant cards, we know their position (including if they are played), // the number of clues, the draw pile size and whose turn it is. // This already uniquely determines the current players position, assuming that we never discard good cards // (and only play them) return id; } template std::pair, std::vector> HanabiState::dump_unique_id_parts() const { std::vector ret; std::vector cards; // encode strikes first ret.push_back(_num_strikes); // encode all positions of cards that started in draw pile ASSERT(_relative_representation.card_positions_draw.size() == _relative_representation.good_cards_draw.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < _relative_representation.card_positions_draw.size(); i++) { for (player_t player: _relative_representation.card_positions_draw[i]) { // We normalize here: If a card is already played, then the positions of its other copies // do not matter, so we can just pretend that they are all in the trash already. // The resulting states will be equivalent. if (!is_trash(_relative_representation.good_cards_draw[i])) { ret.push_back(player); } else { ret.push_back(RelativeRepresentationData::discard_pile); } cards.push_back(_relative_representation.good_cards_draw[i]); } } // encode positions of cards that started in hands ASSERT(_relative_representation.card_positions_hands.size() == _relative_representation.good_cards_hands.size()); for(size_t i = 0; i < _relative_representation.card_positions_hands.size(); i++) { // we have to normalize here again and pretend that cards already played are all discarded. // Note that implicitly, this means that when we lose the last copy of a good card, this encoding pretends that // the card has been played already. // However, since we only ever consider actions that do not lose the last copy of a card, this is not a problem // (unless our base state was already lacking cards, in which case the card is never considered played in any state) if(is_trash(_relative_representation.good_cards_hands[i])) { ret.push_back(static_cast>(RelativeRepresentationData::CardPosition::discarded)); } else { ret.push_back(static_cast>(_relative_representation.card_positions_hands[i])); } } // encode number of clues clue_t const scaled_clues = clue_t(2) * _num_clues; assert(scaled_clues.denominator() == 1); ret.push_back(scaled_clues.numerator()); // we can encode draw pile size and extra turn in one metric, since we only have extra turns if draw pile is empty const std::uint8_t draw_pile_size_and_extra_turns = [this]() -> uint8_t { if (_endgame_turns_left == no_endgame) { return _weighted_draw_pile_size + num_players; } else { return _endgame_turns_left; } }(); ret.push_back(draw_pile_size_and_extra_turns); ret.push_back(_turn); // The id is unique now, since for all relevant cards, we know their position (including if they are played), // the number of clues, the draw pile size and whose turn it is. // This already uniquely determines the current players position, assuming that we never discard good cards // (and only play them) return {ret, cards}; } template const std::unordered_map & HanabiState::position_tablebase() const { return _position_tablebase; } template size_t HanabiState::draw_pile_size() const { return _weighted_draw_pile_size; } template bool HanabiState::is_relative_state_initialized() const { return _relative_representation.initialized; } template void HanabiState::update_tablebase( unsigned long id, Hanabi::probability_t probability ) { // This macro can be activated if we want to dump details on all game states visited for analysis purposes. #define DUMP_STATES #ifdef DUMP_STATES if (id == 87476369689) { std::cout << *this << std::endl; const auto [id_parts, cards] = dump_unique_id_parts(); std::cout << "id is: " << id << ", id parts are: "; for (auto const & part: id_parts) { std::cout << part << " "; } std::cout << ", encoded cards are "; for (auto const & part: cards) { std::cout << part << " "; } std::cout << ", probability is "; print_probability(std::cout, probability); std::cout << "\n" << std::endl; } #endif if (_position_tablebase.count(id) == 1) { ASSERT(_position_tablebase[id] == probability); } _position_tablebase[id] = probability; } } // namespace Hanabi